And what is the difference? With just about everything in our world being deconstructed, examined and in the process of being put back together again, there is a lot of
READ MORETag: Spiritual Healing
In turbulent times
Date: Posted on: Categories Blog, Healing, Intuition, SpiritualityIt’s challenging to find a way to respond to and manage our current global situation with regards to Coronavirus, or COVID-19. Staying abreast of the latest information is important and
READ MOREFinding YOUR way – for health
Date: Posted on: Categories Blog, Healing, Intuition, Meditation, Spirituality, UncategorizedFinding your way is a challenge we each face every day should we choose to. I am currently reading 3 different books about how to create good health and wellbeing
READ MOREPatience, patience, patience…
Date: Posted on: Categories Healing, Intuition, Meditation, Spirituality, UncategorizedAt the start of this new year, I asked myself what I wanted to focus on and immediately I heard the word “patience”. I found this both somewhat surprising and
READ MOREGrowing pains
Date: Posted on: Categories Blog, Healing, Spirituality, UncategorizedRemember when you were very young and you would be achy or sore and your mother would say, “don’t worry, it’s just growing pains”. This was because your physical body
READ MORESanctuary – a healing center
Date: Posted on: Categories Healing, Intuition, Massage, Meditation, Spirituality, UncategorizedIt’s been a while since I have written anything – not because I haven’t wanted to, and despite numerous attempts to create time and space for writing. However, I have
READ MORELearning through the body
Date: Posted on: Categories Blog, Healing, Intuition, Meditation, UncategorizedAt the core of my work, is my desire to help people re-connect with their body and to re-establish a line of communication where other energy has interrupted and created
READ MOREThe Golden Rule
Date: Posted on: Categories Blog, Healing, Intuition, Spirituality, UncategorizedThis poster of the Golden Rule hangs on the wall of my home office. 13 definitions or interpretations of that Golden Rule from 13 different religions or faiths surround the
READ MOREHealing through tattoo
Date: Posted on: Categories Blog, Healing, UncategorizedAs someone who practices and teaches about your relationship with and connection to your body, I have a tendency to look at all life experiences from that perspective. In my
READ MOREBeing comfortable in your own skin
Date: Posted on: Categories UncategorizedHow would you characterize your relationship with your body? Predominantly peaceful and harmonious? Or turbulent and emotional? You may have other ways to describe how you feel about your body