“The sun shines not on us, but in us.” -( John Muir )
Thank you so much for an amazing healing! I woke up the next morning feeling renewed and balanced and have been feeling better by the day !
Thank you, Sue, for my second round of intuitive touch healing. I can’t imagine my year without these sessions, and I certainly can’t imagine how I would’ve made such spiritual progress without this help.
I have gone to Intuitive Way for about 13 years now. I knew I needed something to help my life, but didn’t know what. Church didn’t feel right, therapists didn’t help, and I had no one to turn to that helped or understood. 13 years ago, I was wandering around Walnut Creek in the pouring rain seeking something. I walked for hours and came across a cool store with 1 pamphlet crumpled up and wet. When I looked at it, it was a pamphlet for Intuitive Way. Once I read it, I knew this was where I needed to start. My life has never come easy for me, I knew I was psychic (my whole family is) but I still felt different and off. I started taking classes and developing my psychic awareness. I have always felt very comfortable at Intuitive Way. Everyone there is non- judgmental and seems to be dealing with the same issues I was. Finally a place that I belonged and could not only get help but guidance.
Although my life still has not been easy and I still have many times that I feel stuck, off, etc. I can always go there to be validated and again feel comfortable with people that understand. My journey is not even close to being done and when I don’t regularly go there my life seems more out of control than ever. I can’t express enough how their classes and especially the healings help me so much. Because I’m psychic I seem to attract a lot of energy. That energy isn’t always good and they help remove the negative energy and help me to ground and protect myself so I can go through my day and have hope for a better happier life. Developing my abilities is also a crazy, but amazing journey and I know I’m not alone. Even if you don’t feel you’re ready for classes, the healings are truly amazing and life changing. I am truly grateful for them… and continue to join them on my path to hopefully.
I came to Sue initially for one Intuitive Touch Healing series when the energy that I was experiencing became a serious physical condition that greatly concerned doctors within the western medicine system and, honestly, brought up a great deal of body fear within me. As a clairvoyant and spiritual healer myself I knew that working with the energy was the way to begin healing the condition that I had manifested. Sue, as a intuitive healer was able to see the energy dynamics of the condition, be neutral to my healing process choices and work with me as a partner in my healing. In the end, the western medicine doctors were amazed and confused at the healing that had occurred from one set of tests to another. All I could do was smile and know how much the Intuitive Touch healings had made a difference.
An Intuitive Touch healing is a wonderful way to give to yourself through touch which each body greatly appreciates.
A routine mammogram in April of this year led to a diagnosis shortly thereafter of micro invasive carcinoma and DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ). It was determined that the cancer in my left breast was caused by radiation treatment 18 years ago for Hodgkin’s disease. I decided, after many consultations, to undergo a bilateral mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction in July. This was an intensely difficult time for me.
I chose to focus on my daily meditation (something I had started at Intuitive Way at the beginning of the year). I also began Intuitive Touch Healing sessions and received healing readings as well. The benefits were tremendous. I felt that I was in charge of my healing and able to work with my doctors. I listened to my body and began to work with colors to heal my body with energy.
I arrived for my surgery calm, centered and open to the tremendous changes about to occur. I knew, whole being, that everything would be alright. Through the goals I had set with my Intuitive Touch Healing guide, I was able to focus on maintaining my health on a daily basis through this difficult process. I was able to let each moment unfold and learn from it.
I received my surgery pathology results at the end of July. My surgeon said there was just one small (less than 1cm) tumor and no, repeat, no micro invasive carcinoma. This was astounding. My surgeon even checked my original biopsy to confirm the invasive carcinoma had been there. My oncologist and surgeon said they could not explain it and that they were “thrilled” – they (and many members of my medical team at Stanford University Hospital) used that word a lot. I will need no further treatment. My prognosis is excellent with a less than 2% chance of recurrence. This is my miracle.
As a graduate, practitioner, and client of Sue Arlen’s Intuitive Touch Healing Program, I have learned the many benefits of healing ones spirit and body through light touch. It is truly a gift to oneself to choose this form of healing. To be in the presence of a gifted practitioner facilitating this process, such as Sue, is an experience that words cannot fully convey. Intuitive Touch Healing supports you with both body/spirit tune-ups and in those times of “melt-down” due to stress, injury, trauma and personal/family life crisis. Sue is committed to working with you to explore your own body-spirit pathways toward healing. I wholeheartedly recommend that you incorporate this gift of self-healing into your life.
One of the main goals I had when I entered the Intuitive Touch Healing program was to become pregnant, which my doctors did not think was medically possible. I became pregnant the first week of class and just graduated the year-long program last week holding my newborn daughter in my arms! It was an amazing experience to become aware of my body spirit communication through touch. I have a new understanding and respect for my body. I have found a new sense of empowerment.