Blog Title: In turbulent times

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It’s challenging to find a way to respond to and manage our current global situation with regards to Coronavirus, or COVID-19.

Staying abreast of the latest information is important and the “responsible” thing to do so that we can each take measures to stay well, and help others stay well too. Or, get help when determined necessary.

However, it is easy to become overwhelmed by all the updates and reports. Anxiety can begin to creep in, or even come crashing in depending on our individual sensitivities.

Emergencies and crises, whether on a small scale or global, appear to bring out the best in some of us and the worst in others. We are each capable of responding or reacting from anywhere on that spectrum at any time.

There are countless people on the front lines working around the clock to find a vaccine, create workable guidelines for the safety of all, care for those who are symptomatic whether mildly or acutely and graciously support the grieving who have lost loved ones already.


We cannot all be on the front lines, but we can each rise to the occasion and pull out our best selves. This means coming up out of the fear and “survival of the fittest” mindset that creates competition, selfishness and negativity and recognizing how we can each support the process of overcoming this situation.

Tuning into your own information and inner voice can help you tune out of and separate from the fear and anxiety that spreads with the virus. This is not only helpful for you, as stress is known to negatively impact the immune system, but it is also helpful for those around you. Leading by example by staying calm and composed.

If tapping into your own information is proving difficult with so much input and noise everywhere, meditation and healing can be helpful. Healing is about creating change and we are all being called to make changes right now. On many occasions, I work with clients to let go of responsibility they might be carrying, often given to them by others. However, this is not the time to rid yourself of all responsibility. We all need to take responsibility for our actions and really consider what is best for all.

We are also being asked to socially isolate as much as possible. For some, this might be a relief. For others, it might cause increased anxiety. It can also lead to a rise in distrust of our fellow human beings. How each of us responds to this unprecedented situation is unique.

If you are feeling confused, anxious, fearful or alone, I am happy to offer some support. Intuitive Touch Healing can help you re-connect with your own unique healing vibration that can be used for strengthening both physically and spiritually. It can also help you connect with your own information, rather than relying solely on the information of others.

At Sanctuary – a healing center, we are employing all necessary precautionary measures to maintain a healthy, clean environment.

However, if you are unable or would prefer not to come in person, I also offer long distance healing. This is something I do regularly with people around the globe in England, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and India.

Wishing each of you strength and wellness!

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