It’s almost the end of 2019, and I have been remiss in writing a blog on a regular basis. It’s funny how, when I approach the end of a year, my attention seems called first to what I haven’t completed, achieved or accomplished, rather than to the joy, fun and achievements I have experienced. I’m guessing I’m not alone here.
It’s been another year of growth, change and healing. These are my main goals each and every year and so, if I look at it from that perspective, it has been a great, enjoyable and successful year.
One of the notable differences for me personally this year is that I have embarked upon a course of learning that has rattled my cage, taken me way out of my comfort zone, made me re-think everything and challenge my abilities – particularly with regards to my brain.
I decided to explore a childhood dream. When I was a child, from the first time I experienced flight in an airplane, I wanted to learn to fly. I remember telling my parents that I wanted flying lessons rather than driving lessons. Not surprisingly, that changed when I became a teenager and driving was a much more practical path to freedom than flying!
From that point, life took off as it often does and I found myself a frequent air passenger, but never a pilot.
My career, or life path, for the past 35 years has been in the field of meditation, spiritual healing and developing my intuitive abilities. If you know anything about the human brain – something I am certainly no expert in, but have read much about and had my own personal experience of – the 2 hemispheres, left and right brain, have very different properties. The left brain is practical, logical, linear. The right brain is the now, the bigger picture, questioning, experiencing.
In school, although I was told by my family I was intelligent and capable, I found I was often discouraged or dismissed by teachers. I definitely didn’t learn the way I was expected to at that time and in that environment.
And so, when my path led me to discovering my intuition and my spiritual nature, I felt as if I had come home. Everything made sense and the rules of academia didn’t apply. I could happily live in my right brain, reveling in the infinite possibilities and limitless nature of being spirit in a body. Yes, I have managed to function, make a living, raise a family (with the support of my husband) and survive, no thrive in so many ways.
Fast forward to this year when I decided to take a flying lesson. Aviation, I have discovered, is not an area in which you want to operate from or reside in the right brain. The science of aviation is not something to be questioned the way I question everything. It is not something I have to ponder the truth of. It is simply something to be learned and, as a result, for the first time in very many years I am having to re-develop, in a new way, my relationship with my left brain.
This is not an easy task for me, nor is it comfortable. It is akin to bringing an atrophied muscle back to life – I say this because I lost the use of my right thumb for a year after a fall and it is slowly coming back to life.
I have no idea how far I am going to take this learning experience or challenge. Every other day I reverse course – seeing myself obtaining my private pilot’s license, to knowing I can never get there. The joy for me right now is in the realization that I am re-connecting with a part of me I had, in some ways, written off many years ago. I am re-connecting circuitry and re-firing neurons on a daily basis.
It is helping me improve my connection spirit and body – something I practice and teach on a daily basis.
From my perspective, this is what keeps us coming back for more…. The opportunity to experience both the agony and ecstasy of life and growth in a human body!
In this coming year, challenge yourself to explore both the agony and ecstasy – and everything in between – of life in a human body! It is never too late. It’s not over until it’s over!
Happy New Year and new decade!